Kingsbridge Park Playground Replacement
Kingsbridge Park Playground Replacement
Kingsbridge Park is a significant gathering point and site for both guests and the local community. Not only does the park act as a gateway, connecting the South Niagara Parkway to Queen Victoria Park, but it is also a key trail connector for those using the Niagara River Recreational Trail. Given the site’s importance and its popularity among residents and the visiting public, Niagara Parks has decided to replace the current playground, which has reached the end of its life cycle.
Project Overview
Niagara Parks’ vision and goal is to become one of the most spectacular Parks in the world. To help fulfill this vision, Niagara Parks has developed the Queen Victoria Park Master Plan. This Plan is guiding management and future development of lands within the popular tourism area known as Queen Victoria Park, which extends from Oakes Garden Theatre to include Kingsbridge Park. The Queen Victoria Park Master Plan envisions key improvements to this node, including the creation of an iconic feature with potential to highlight the cultural and historical value of this unique setting, and establishing an enhanced gateway marking the entrance to the Queen Victoria Park area.
When examining improvements needed to Kingsbridge Park to achieve the Master Plan vision, the decision was made to invest in various site improvements within the park including enhancing the pavilion structure and replacing the outdated play structure. As a result, Niagara Parks is moving forward with plans to remove the existing playground structure and create a new playground, which will include a public consultation process to ensure the playground fits the setting and function of this popular public park.
Niagara Parks envisions the creation of a new natural playground that will both enhance Kingsbridge Park and provide greater opportunities for experiential play and enjoyment among children and families visiting the park.
Natural playgrounds are a growing segment in child learning and have been shown to inspire creativity and imagination, develop problem-solving skills and encourage children to safely interact with the natural environment around them. In creating this new playground, Niagara Parks is looking to establish a signature piece unique to Kingsbridge Park that is consistent with Niagara Parks’ brand and historic mandate of environmental and heritage preservation, while adhering to accessibility standards and encouraging sensory play.
Where possible, the new natural playground will incorporate materials sourced from Niagara Parks lands, such as boulders, fallen trees and new tree plantings, helping to fulfil our mandate as the environmental stewards of the Niagara River corridor, while educating the public on Niagara Parks’ important story.
Niagara Parks will be seeking public input and feedback regarding the concept designs for the new play structure beginning in the summer of 2019. This consultation process will ensure the new structure follows an inclusive design and will be compliant with relevant safety and accessibility legislation.
To facilitate this replacement plan, Niagara Parks staff will be closing and removing the existing play structure in April 2019. The rest of Kingsbridge Park will remain open and accessible to the public.
Following the period of public consultation and reviewing feedback, construction of a new structure is expected to begin in 2020.
Who’s Listening?
Have your say and submit your feedback to the project team managing the Kingsbridge Park Playground Replacement.
Steve Barnhart
Senior Director, Planning, Environment and Culture
Ellen Savoia
Senior Manager, Environmental Planning