Niagara Parks Tour Guide Licence Application
Tour Guide Licence Application
Following are the requirements for a Guide Licence as outlined in the Niagara Park Act and Regulations 829. All requirements must be submitted when filing your application.
Guide Licences
You cannot lawfully conduct a tour on property of The Niagara Parks Commission without obtaining a valid Niagara Parks Guide Licence.
A scheduled sightseeing vehicle must have a Niagara Parks licenced guide on board.
Guide licences are valid for one year from the date of issuance.
Write and Pass the Test
All individuals must write The Niagara Parks Guide Test and have a passing grade of 80 per cent or greater on their initial attempt to be exempted from writing the test for the next two years.
If an individual fails the test on their first attempt, they are eligible to re-write the test at additional cost, until they are successful. Unfortunately, in doing so, they will forfeit the privilege of automatic renewal and must return the next year to write the examination again.
Guides Exempted From Rewriting the Test
Guides who successfully write and pass the Guide Test on their initial attempt will be exempt from re-writing for two subsequent years. These individuals must continue to provide Niagara Parks with an updated, fully completed Tour Guide Licence application (dated and signed), with the yearly licence fee of $65 included. This can be done via mail. Once submitted, the Niagara Parks Licence Office will then mail a Guide License to the applicant as soon as it is processed.
To ensure approval of your Guide Licence application you must provide the following:
- Completed Application for Guide Licence
- Licence Fee. Fees must be paid by cash, credit card, cheque or money order (payable to The Niagara Parks Commission) at the time you submit your application. No refunds are allowed. The 2024 fee is $65.
- Passing grade (80% or greater) on written Guide Licence test.
Legal entitlement to work in Canada. You must be legally able to work in Canada, or, you must be employed as a Guide in the United States by an American Company with customers obtained from the American side. Guide Licences issued to US citizens do not confer any rights to the Guide to work or solicit customers in Canada. Tour guides assume all of the risk for any damage or injury caused by their wrongful acts or omissions.
Code of Conduct
The Niagara Parks Commission has a Code of Conduct which requires Commissioners, employees and all those associated with Niagara Parks to adhere to certain standards of conduct. Drivers and guides are expected to be familiar with the Code requirements which can be found here. The Code of Conduct requires that the laws of Ontario and Canada must be adhered to by all those operating on Niagara Parks property. It is important that drivers and guides comply with all legislative requirements including the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and its standards. Information about this Act and its standard can be found here.
Tour Guide Quality Mission Statement
The purpose of a Code of Conduct for tour guides is to give guests a quality, friendly and positive experience while visiting or vacationing in the Niagara Falls area. We want to ensure that visitors have a safe, fun and entertaining view of one of the world’s most famous natural sites and its surrounding venues. We will impart the historical significance of the area and emphasize the value The Niagara Parks Commission places on the upkeep of this Park. We also want to ensure that guests feel they have received value from the experience, which will encourage them to return in the future.
Integrity Statement
Tourism professionals are to have pride and respect for their company, local hotels, restaurants, businesses, and law enforcement. They are to show appropriate regard for The Niagara Parks Commission, the Park and its appearance, the quality of venues (i.e., all the segments of the tourism industry in Niagara Falls) and above all the dedication of the Parks employees in maintaining this world class attraction.
Drivers and Guides are expected to abide by these simple guidelines when escorting guests through Niagara Parks:
- Be friendly and courteous in their dealings with guests.
- Treat all guests with respect and consideration. i.e.: elderly, children, persons with ambulatory concerns, during extreme weather conditions, etc.
- Be appropriately dressed and portray a professional image at all times.
- Ensure no comments are made that can be construed as sexist, racist or that can be interpreted as harassment under the laws of Canada.
- Provide correct, accurate historical information.
- Deliver all information, either verbal or written, in a positive and helpful manner.
- Do not influence guests regarding any company’s tipping protocol.
- Confirm departure times at venues but refrain from intimidating guests by indicating they will miss the vehicle.
If asked, deliver information on local shopping venues, restaurants and businesses, fairly and accurately. - Provide current information about exchange rates that reflects the daily banking charges, to ensure that guests can accurately assess the value of the U.S. versus Canadian dollar.
- Refrain from pointing out or speaking in a derogatory manner about any business, restaurant or retail store.
- Do not encourage guests to use Visa or Master Card as a preferred method of payment. This is the guests’ decision.
- Drive safely and with care, adhering to the laws of Ontario and signs posted throughout Niagara Parks.
Abide by the Niagara Parks’ anti-idling rule and shut down your vehicle engine when parked for more than two minutes.