Drone use in Niagara Parks

Given the increased popularity and use of UAV (drones) for both work and as a recreational activity, visitors to Niagara Parks and particularly Niagara Falls, are reminded that drones are not permitted on Niagara Parks property unless authorized with a permit. Further, under Transport Canada Federal Regulations, the airspace above Niagara Falls on the Canadian side of the Niagara River is designated a restricted area. To apply for a permit for the use of a drone, please refer to our film and photography guidelines.

This restriction includes the operation of a UAVs (drones) without permit approval from Transport Canada. This restricted zone extends from the ground up to, but not including 1066 metres (3500 feet) above sea level (ASL) and approximately 914 metres (3000 feet) above ground level (AGL). This restricted area extends along the Niagara River north from Niagara Falls to approximately Whirlpool Road and from Niagara Falls, south to the Welland River.

If you are considering flying a UAV (drone) for either work or recreational purposes, you are responsible to ensure that you do so safely and legally. For further information on the use of UAV (drones), visitors are encouraged to visit the Transport Canada website.

More information is available for those wishing to learn more about Transport Canada’s restricted airspace designation above Niagara Falls.