
Thank you for your interest in the Niagara Parks School of Horticulture. We are delighted that you are considering our Diploma in Horticulture as part of your pathway in achieving your educational and career goals. Please carefully review the information on this page which is provided to assist you in the selection process of students for our program.

Admission Requirements

Ontario Applicants
  • Admission Requirements for the Niagara Parks Diploma in Professional Horticulture 3-year program: 
    • English- any senior level (Grade 11, Grade 12 (C) or (U) level or the equivalent) 
    • Math- any senior level (Grade 11, Grade 12 (C) or (U) level or the equivalent) 

    Plus ANY TWO additional senior level (Grade 11 or 12 C or U level) courses (or their equivalents) from the following list:  

    • Visual Arts 
    • Business- Leadership 
    • Geography- The Environment and Resource Management 
    • Co-operative Education- Grade 11 or 12 with a relevant experiential learning Co-op placement to horticulture 
    • Biology 
    • Chemistry  
    • Environmental Science 
    • Construction Technology 
    • Green Industries 
    • Hospitality and Tourism 
    • Manufacturing Technology 
    • Technological Design 
  • Submission of Post-Secondary Transcripts if applicable. Please include post-secondary transcripts if they apply to your individual situation.
  • Submission of a resume and letters of reference from time spent in the Horticultural or like industry.
  • After the above information is reviewed. Potential students will be invited to interview with the School’s Enrolment and Selection Committee. After which the students selected for the program will be notified.
Mature Student Status for Admission to the Niagara Parks School of Horticulture

If you are 21 years or older and have not earned a high school diploma or GED, you may qualify for Mature Student Status when applying to the 3-year Niagara Parks Diploma (NPD) program at the Niagara Parks School of Horticulture. This pathway is designed to give applicants who did not complete high school a chance to be evaluated for admission based on the valuable skills and experience they have gained since leaving school.  

Please note that if you have completed high school, regardless of how long ago, you are considered a high school graduate and should apply accordingly, not under Mature Student Status.  

The Application Process for Mature Students 

If you believe you meet the criteria for Mature Student Status, we welcome you to apply through a progressive three-step process:

  1. Submit Your Resume and Cover Letter:
    Showcase your career experience by submitting a resume, along with a one-page, one-sided cover letter explaining how the skills you have developed in the workplace align with your goals and aspirations in the horticultural industry.  
  2. Complete a Proficiency Test:
    If your application is successful, you will be invited to complete a proficiency test in written english and technical math. This helps us ensure you are prepared for the academic challenges of the program.  
  3. Interview:
    Upon passing the proficiency test, you will be scheduled for an interview to discuss your background, goals, and fit for the NPD program.  

Applicants who successfully complete all three steps will be considered for admission to the program. 
If accepted, you’ll join a community dedicated to nurturing your growth and success in the field of horticulture.  

Required Documentation

Item Submit to Due Date
Official Transcript(s) Submit request for Official Electronic Transcript(s) on the OCAS website. If transcripts are from a recognized jurisdiction/school outside Ontario, email to info@schoolofhorticulture.com See Deadlines
Resumé and Industry Reference Please mail resumé and letters of reference to info@schoolofhorticulture.com See Deadlines
Interview with the Selection Committee Student who progresses to the interview stage will be contacted where an interview time will be arranged. See Deadlines

Application Timelines

Start Date OCAS Application Transcripts and References Scheduled Interviews
September As per OCAS dates Resumé Required Starting January

For the September start date, applications are received and considered for any remaining positions (seats) in the program. Revised dates will be established with the applicant for receiving documents and scheduling interviews, if applicable.

Prospective students who applied on or before the dates indicated in the above chart and are deemed by the selection committee to qualify for admission after their interview will receive an offer.

Applications will be accepted throughout the application timelines until the program reaches capacity.

Important Dates

The Niagara Parks Diploma in Professional Horticulture is a 3-year program, running 3 academic semesters annually (12 months x 3 years).  The first day of the academic year is the Tuesday after Labour Day in September.  Students also have the following breaks in addition to provincial and federal statutory holidays: 

  • December/January- Winter Break, 3 weeks 
  • February- Reading Week (following Family Day) 
  • August- Vacation Week for Year 1 and 2 students (following Civic Holiday) 

Contact Admissions

Admissions, The Niagara Parks School of Horticulture
P.O. BOX 150
Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2E 6T2 – 905.356.8554