Niagara Parks Vision & Values

From the very beginning, the Niagara River experience has been recognized as a very special place of reflection, of beauty, and of natural wonder. Niagara Parks is a treasure and has a cultural heritage worthy of preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of Niagara Falls and the Niagara River corridor for all to enjoy.

Prior to the opening of the original Park, the Commissioners were guided by two general principles which were regarded by the Government of the day as indispensable conditions. The first was that there should be no permanent financial burden on the Province, but that the Parks should become self-supporting. The second was that the Park should, as far as possible, be free to the public. These indispensable conditions continue to guide our operations.


Preserving and promoting the natural and cultural heritage along the Niagara River corridor.
Niagara Parks is also committed to delivering commercially successful products in a way that ensures benefits for everyone (people who travel, the adjacent communities, and the respective natural, social, and cultural environments).


By 2028, Ontario’s Niagara Parks will be:

  • An innovative example of sustainability as the environmental and cultural stewards of the Niagara River corridor
  • A welcoming, accessible and inspiring place offering world-class natural, historical, and authentic experiences
  • A source of national pride and identity
  • One of the most spectacular Parks in the world

Our Values

The Niagara Parks Commission’s values:

  • Transparency and accountability at the root of all that we do.
  • Cooperation and collaboration between and amongst Commissioners, staff and stakeholders that results in our delivery of consistent, high quality products, services, and experiences.
  • Innovative practices that create exciting and lasting memories for our visitors.
  • Responsiveness and sensitivity to aligning products and services with the changing needs of our visitors, our providers and our contributors.
  • Diversity in our staff and customer base that expands the richness of the cultural experience.