Commission Committees
Commission Committees
The Niagara Parks Commission includes three committees that meet on a regular basis: the Finance & Audit Committee, the Properties & Infrastructure Committee, and the Governance, Ethics & Human Resources Policy Committee.
Finance & Audit Committee
The Finance and Audit Committee has three primary roles. One is to oversee the financial performance of The Niagara Parks Commission using a balanced scorecard perspective where the inter-dependency of customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, operational effectiveness, and financial performance is recognized.
Another responsibility of the F&A Committee is to set the context for an effective enterprise risk management framework and to gain assurance that management has implemented appropriate systems and practices aligned with an ERM framework. The ERM framework is to include the design and implementation of internal controls to support the risk management framework and to provide for safeguarding of assets, compliance with regulations (including government directives) and policies; integrity of management and financial information, and efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
This Committee also oversees the effectiveness of audit functions for providing assurance on integrity of controls and financial information.
Property & Infrastructure Committee
The Property & Infrastructure Committee is responsible for having a long term view on the best utilization of the assets of The Niagara Parks Commission to meet its mandate under the Niagara Parks Act as well to fulfil the vision of NPC.
The Committee has two primary responsibilities. One is to oversee the creation and implementation of plans for the development and maintenance of the land, infrastructure, and facilities owned and/or leased by NPC. Land, infrastructure, and facilities.
The Committee’s second responsibility is to oversee the ongoing use and safeguarding of the land, infrastructure, and facilities.
Governance, Ethics & Human Resources Policy Committee
The Governance, Ethics and Human Resources Policy Committee has three areas of responsibility. One role is to facilitate the evolution of the governance practices with the needs of The Niagara Parks Commission. The Committee oversees the governance system to ensure that duties by the governance body are being met and regulatory requirements are being fulfilled and that the Board is fulfilling its accountability to the Province of Ontario. The Committee assists the Chair in holding Commissioners and Commission Committees accountable for fulfilling their duties.
The second area of responsibility is with respect to the Ethics of NPC. This involves the development and fulfillment of policies which provide for the desired ethical conduct by Commissioners and employees and to prevent the exercise of undue influence by related parties.
The third area of responsibility is with respect to Human Resources. The Committee will ensure governing policies are in place and implemented by management to provide employees at NPC with fair and meaningful employment in a safe and respectful workplace. The Committee has specific responsibilities with respect to the appointment, monitoring and compensation of executive management.