Queenston Heights Park, Niagara-on-the-Lake

Valour and Victory: Indigenous Veterans Day

Join us in honouring the contributions and sacrifices of Indigenous veterans
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Valour and Victory: Honouring Indigenous Veterans

Saturday, November 4, 2023 / 1:00 p.m. / Queenston Heights Park

Valour & Victory honours the contributions and sacrifices made by the Six Nations and Native Allies during the Battle of Queenston Heights and the War of 1812 in support of their British and Canadian compatriots.

This annual memorial and reconciliation service remembers Indigenous soldiers who, through courage, strength and peacemaking, helped secure victory at pivotal events throughout the War of 1812 to secure freedom for all Canadians. This year’s event commemorates the seventh anniversary of the unveiling of the Landscape of Nations Memorial in Queenston Heights Park.

Valour and Victory aligns with Niagara Parks’ ongoing commitment to reconciliation, education and the preservation of Indigenous history.

Event Program

Please gather at the Landscape of Nations memorial entrance at 12:45 PM.

Greetings: Travis Hill

Traditional Greeting: Karl Dockstader

Welcome from Niagara Parks: David Adames

Remarks: Tim Johnson

Historical Address: Paul Williams

Veteran and Service Member Recognition: Jessica Miller & Cita Johnson

Honour Song: Phil Davis

Moment of Silence

2nd Lincoln Artillery

Laying of Wreaths

Ceremonial Fire: Brian Kon

A soldier directing another soldier for the War of 1812

Battle of Queenston Heights

The Battle of Queenston Heights was the first major battle of the War of 1812. It marked an essential moment in the emergence of a fledgling country whose borders and character were being tested and defined.

It was during this battle that Native Allies pinned down an overwhelming force of the American army, allowing the British and Canadians to counterattack and regain the Heights.

Landscape of Nations

The Landscape of Nations Memorial is dedicated to the Six Nations and Native Allies that participated in the War of 1812. Limestones from the Queenston Quarry represent each nation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy in a sunburst pattern. Abenakis, Delaware and nations from the north are also honoured in the memorial.

The Landscape of Nations Memorial affirms the proper place of Indigenous people at the core of Canadian history and signals their ongoing role in contemporary life and national affairs.

A Statue of John Brant, Landscape of Nations
A pavement turtle drawing at the Landscape of Nations

Haudenosaunee Reconciliation

Valour & Victory also recognizes the historic entreaty of peace and reconciliation made at Niagara on August 31 and September 1, 1815, between the Haudenosaunee of the Grand River and those of New York that became American Allies.

The War of 1812 witnessed a civil war among the nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy fighting on both sides of the conflict. At this solemn service to mark National Indigenous Veterans Day, we remember the fallen, the dedicated and the peacemakers whose valiant efforts forged a lasting peace.


Landscape of Nations

Learn more about the contributions and sacrifices made by Six Nations and Native Allies throughout the War of 1812 at this remarkable monument.

Indigenous Connections in Niagara

Oral tradition and archaeological evidence indicate that Indigenous peoples have lived along the Niagara River, from Fort Erie north to the shores of Lake Ontario in Niagara-on-the-Lake, for more than 13,000 years. Discover these Indigenous connections along the Niagara Parkway.