Emergency & Safety Information

Niagara Parks staff are trained in emergency response policies and procedures as they relate to persons with disabilities, including how to communicate emergency information and how to offer evacuation assistance to persons with disabilities, identifying accessible and safe evacuation routes both on-site and off-site.

Emergency Preparedness and Response Policies shall be made available to the public and provided in an accessible format upon request.

Assistive Devices

Niagara Parks is committed to serving persons with disabilities who use assistive devices to obtain, use or benefit from its goods and services.

Niagara Parks shall also ensure that all staff, volunteers and others dealing with the public are properly trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by guests with disabilities while accessing its goods and services.

Niagara Parks shall also ensure that staff knows how to use assistive devices that are available at our properties, such as wheelchairs and TTY (Telephone Typewriter or Telephone Teletype) 1 (855) 356-5672 or Toll Free 1 (877) 642-7275.

Persons with disabilities are permitted and encouraged to use their own personal assistive devices to access our facilities and goods and services. Assistive devices such as communication aids, cognition aids, personal mobility aids and medical aids may be used at all Niagara Parks facilities and parklands where access is possible at the venue. It should be noted that it is the responsibility of the person with a disability to ensure that his or her assistive device is operated in a safe manner at all times.

A limited number of wheelchairs are available (with a credit card imprint) for the visiting public on a “first-come, first-served” basis at the following locations:

  • Niagara Parks Power Station
    • 7 wheelchairs available.
  • Table Rock Complex
    • 8 wheelchairs available.
  • Floral Showhouse
    • 1 wheelchair available.
  • Butterfly Conservatory
    • 1 wheelchair available.

Please note that during the winter months, wheelchairs may not be taken outside of their respective building locations.

First Aid and Emergency Services

Niagara Parks is committed to ensuring that first aid and emergency services are provided for all persons with disabilities when required.

Staff is trained to respond to first aid and emergency matters which may occur at Niagara Parks, including how to communicate emergency information and how to offer evacuation assistance to persons with disabilities, identifying accessible and safe evacuation routes both on-site and off-site.


Niagara Parks is committed to providing accessible invoices to all of its customers. For this reason, upon request invoices shall be provided in an accessible format.

Niagara Parks shall answer any questions customers may have about the content of the invoice in an accessible manner.

Notice of Service Disruptions

From time to time, temporary service disruptions will be experienced at Niagara Parks facilities. The Niagara Parks Commission is committed to making reasonable efforts for its visitors in these instances to ensure that services are reinstated as quickly as possible and that alternative services are provided where feasible.

In instances of service disruption, NPC shall provide its visitors with reasonable notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the facilities or services usually used by persons with disabilities. This notice shall include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.

Notice of these temporary disruptions shall be provided in a conspicuous place and manner at the respective locations, Niagara Parks Welcome Centres and through internal communication systems. The steps to be taken in connection with a temporary disruption will be available at the location and shall be provided to visitors as requested. In the event of a long-term disruption, information shall also be posted on the Niagara Parks website.

Accessible Washrooms

Niagara Parks is pleased to offer various accessible washroom facilities throughout our property. Our Staff are willing and available to assist you.

For information about accessible washroom locations, please visit a Welcome Centre.