The Annual Chrysanthemum Show
The Annual Chrysanthemum Show
The Floral Showhouse has once again transformed into a lush fall paradise as cascading chrysanthemum blooms adorn every corner of its showrooms. An Iconic favorite, the Chrysanthemum Show is Niagara Park’s longest running exhibit, reaching back to its first showing on November 4, 1946. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Floral Showhouse.
To celebrate many years of success, our horticulture team has designed a display inspired by the harvest glory found in the abundant blooms of chrysanthemum. The extended five-week show opens just in time for Thanksgiving on October 9.

The show
This Chrysanthemum Show features 1,350 mums in 35 varieties accented by 200 display plants that include blue star ferns, asparagus ferns, Boston ferns, birds of paradise and palms.
The design in the first house highlights fall traditions and is rich with bursts of pink and orange; the second house is a dramatic display accented in shades of yellow, purple and orange. The showstopper in this year’s show is a stunning chrysanthemum tree set against the backdrop of the Floral Showhouse’s moon gate.
Autumn bloomers
The number one challenge with keeping chrysanthemums beautiful is daylight. They are autumn bloomers and set their flower buds only after daylight is below eight hours a day, sometimes less. To start blooming, chrysanthemums need undisturbed darkness during the night–not even a flashlight can be set on them! True perennials in their natural environments, they enjoy full sun locations all summer long for good growth.
To create the show’s dazzling shapes, frames are used to assist in training and supporting the plants as they grow. Regular and interval pinching of the tips are completed during the growing season to create shape, fullness and near the end of season, to encourage flower buds for a full show.

Maintaining the five-week show
Ensuring the Chrysanthemum Show remains fresh and vibrant for five weeks requires daily attention to watering and plant health. Our team of horticulturalists meticulously inspect the displays each day to ensure nothing is out of place so that all visitors can enjoy a picture-perfect experience. On occasion, plants finishing their blooms will be replaced in the displays.
The origins of chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums originate in parts of Europe, but mostly Eastern Asia. There are several species and thousands of cultivars. They are typically broken down into two simple classes: hardy and florist mums. Florist mums are less resilient to cold climates than hardy mums.
Our plants are produced by cuttings taken either from our own special stock or brought in from Canadian suppliers. Trendy or improved varieties are ordered a year in advance.

A spectacular show with an ancient connection
It’s no wonder the Chrysanthemum Show is one of the Floral Showhouse’s most beloved seasonal displays–Chrysanthemums have an ancient connection to Asian culture and have been a long-standing signate. The show’s rich hues and abundant blooms in unique designs are the perfect way to herald in the autumn and season of Thanksgiving!
Celebrating 75 years
For 75 years, visitors have come to discover paradise at the lush oasis of the Floral Showhouse, just a short walk south from Niagara Falls and Table Rock Centre. Collections of orchids, succulents and other tropical plant species are on display throughout the year, along with floral shows that reflect the changing seasons.